Too far Gone – A Radha Bose Crime Thriller

Book Title: Too far Gone – A Radha Bose Crime Thriller
Author: Chandrayan Gupta
Format: Kindle

Book Title:
The title of the book ‘ Too Far Gone ‘ is interesting and mysterious.

Book Cover:
An abstract and straightforward cover but talks so much about the story. The cover is of a male person sitting in vain. This explains the disdain of the character.

My review:
This is the third book form ‘ The Radha Bose Thriller series ‘ and happens to be my first one. With an easily accessible language and adequate amounts of mystery elements, this book will appeal to the first time readers of thriller stories. The surprise element was unveiling fast, but, the attempt and the author’s honest writing are appreciable.

What I like:

  1. The plot.
  2. The sustaining of the mystery up to adequate levels
  3. The character development as the story progresses

What I didn’t like:

  1. Predictable story-sequences

All the characters in the story are well crafted. The little boy’s character is well established.

The engaging narration during the twists is found, and interesting thriller scenes are well narrated. Though the plot is well, the story somewhere lacked strength.

Language & Grammar:
Simple and easy language is used in the book. The vocabulary used in describing the mystery elements is quite appealing.

My Final Verdict:
A one-time read!

Book Title: 3/5
Book Cover: 3/5
Inside the book: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Narration: 3/5
Language & Grammar: 3/5
Final Rating: 3/5

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