Interview with Sandeep Sharma

‘ Thriller ‘ is a broad genre of fiction which is widely accepted and loved by avid readers across the world. Thrillers generally keep the audience or readers on the “edge of their seats” as the plot builds towards a climax. Complex characters and subplots in the main story are an integral part of a thriller.

This small introduction of thriller novels is to introduce our very own super thriller writer ‘ Sandeep Sharma’, who is an author of some best selling thriller novels like Let the game begin, Algorithm of future, and The Coin here and a successful entrepreneur on my blog. He also co-authored some novels. It is indeed a very thrilling experience reading his books and interviewing him.


As an author, what is your favorite part of the writing/publishing process? Least favorite?

Favorite part is writing the prologue. I don’t know the reason but I love writing the prologue. Least favorite is deciding upon the character’s name.

Why do you write? What keeps you motivated?

Because I have so many stories in my head. Sometimes, it gets impossible to live with so many stories running continuously in my head.

How did you come up with the title and idea for your book?
The title is the first thing that I usually decide before even thinking about the plot. Then comes the idea and idea can come up from anywhere. By reading other books, by watching TV series or by just listening to someone talk. The idea is something that can come to anyone from anywhere but the only thing that you have to keep in mind is that, are you ready with that idea to develop a plot.

What has been one of your most pleasing experiences as an author?
When I meet people and they narrate about the day when they were reading my book, it feels like I was there, with them. It feels like, with every reader, I live one more life in this world. It feels really special when people say that they had a sleepless night because of my book.

What does your writing\reading nook look like?
Spacey with one diary, one pen, and laptop with no internet connection and MS Word file always open. I also, sometimes, play music in the background according to the scene that I write.

What is the one mistake that you’ve made that you’d want other future authors to avoid?
The list is very long but seriously speaking, I want every author to face and then learn. But if they really want to avoid, they can inbox me anytime.

What are your top three favorite books of all time?
Are you afraid of Dark (As it was the first book I ever read), 3 mistakes of my life and The Innocent

Besides writing, what else do you do in your free time?
Reading, Playing games, Surfing Internet

What are some great books you’ve read recently?
‘The man called Ove’ and ‘Couple Next Door’

 Do you have any writing rituals?
I write in batches. For example, I’ll continuously write for 3-4 days and then will take a rest for 7 days. And while writing, I avoid reading any book.
****Thank you, author, for the interesting replies****
Author’s Amazon page to buy the books:

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